Thursday, January 26, 2012

36 Weeks - We're almost there, can't wait to meet you!

Well despite my attempts to help you turn: Laying on an inverted board (with my hips above my head, 3-4x's a day with music playing on the lowest part of my belly), some exercises that looked pretty silly and Acupuncture (as well as burning something herbal cigar looking thing between my toes and at my heal for about 25 mins a day). Our last option was called an external cephalic version (basically - we went into the hospital and they injected me with something that keeps my uterus -your home- from contracting and possibly going into labor, and they -Dr.-  manually try to turn you. lots of belly jelly and elbow grease -not the most comfortable way to do things-.) Long story short, you like the position you are in, Breech, and in turn we get to meet you a week or two earlier that I thought we were going to. So on the bright side I did get  breakfast in bed at our visit and got a dry run done so were ready for the big day. Looks like we get to meet you on  Feb. 13th, that is unless you keep us on our toes and decide to make your arrival before then. You aren't even here yet and your personality is already shinning through. note: you are breech just like your Daddy was when he was born and you defiantly are stubborn like your Mommy.

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